An easy way to log how your guns are shooting on each trip to the shooting range
Gun Range Logger is an easy way to keep track of how your guns are shooting on each trip to the shooting range. By entering in what guns were used, taking a picture of each target, setting the date on which the target was shot, and entering any notes, you can have a record of every target you've ever shot in your phone for future reference. Never ask yourself "Does my rifle shoot two inches to the right or two inches to the left at 100 yards?" or "How much does my .22lr drop at 75 yards?" ever again - just store your target in Gun Range Logger and look it up. Track your pistol accuracy by taking a picture of each target and watch your groups shrink as you improve. Refer back to the pictures of your gun's pattern for each of your shotgun chokes. Sort by date in order to view the most recent targets or sort by gun. Also works great for your bow and arrow, crossbow, BB gun, or airsoft gun.
- WRITE-EXTERNAL-STORAGE/READ-EXTERNAL-STORAGE: Used to save and retrieve target images
- INTERNET: Used to get ads from AdMob
- BILLING: Used for a $2 "Remove Ads" feature